Autocommands are a way to automatically execute code when
certain events happen.
:au[tocmd][!] [events] [filter] [cmd]
Execute commands automatically on events.
When [cmd] is not given, list all commands
defined for the given [events] and [filter].
When [!] is given, delete the matching commands
rather than listing them.
When [cmd] is given, add it to the list of commands to be
executed when [events] occur for pages matching the
comma-separated list of site-filters, [filter]. If the
-javascript (short name -js) option is given,
[cmd] is interpreted as JavaScript code. Otherwise, it is
interpreted as an Ex command.
If the -group={group} flag is given, add this autocmd
to the named group. Any filters for {group} apply in
addition to [filter]. When listing commands this limits the
output to the specified group.
Available [events]:
- BookmarkAdd
- Triggered after a page is bookmarked
- BookmarkChange
- Triggered after a page's bookmark is changed
- BookmarkRemove
- Triggered after a page's bookmark is removed
- ColorScheme
- Triggered after a color scheme has been loaded
- DOMLoad
- Triggered when a page's DOM content has fully loaded
- DownloadPost
- Triggered when a download has completed
- Fullscreen
- Triggered when the browser's fullscreen state changes
- LocationChange
- Triggered when changing tabs or when navigating to a new location
- PageLoadPre
- Triggered after a page load is initiated
- PageLoad
- Triggered when a page gets (re)loaded/opened
- PrivateMode
- Triggered when private browsing mode is activated or deactivated
- Sanitize
- Triggered when private data are sanitized
- ShellCmdPost
- Triggered after executing a shell command with :!{cmd}
- Enter
- Triggered after Firefox starts
- LeavePre
- Triggered before exiting Firefox, just before destroying each module
- Leave
- Triggered before exiting Firefox
For Ex [cmd]s, the following keywords are
replaced with the appropriate value before the commands
are executed. For JavaScript commands, they may be
accessed as ordinary variables, sans angle brackets.
- <bookmark>
- The JavaScript bookmark object. Only for Bookmark*.
- <changed>
- The name of the property that has changed. Only for BookmarkChange.
- <doc>
- The document for which the event occurred. Only for DOMLoad, PageLoad and PageLoadPre.
- <file>
- The target destination of a download. Only for DownloadPost.
- <icon>
- The icon associated with <url>. Only for Bookmark*.
- <keyword>
- The keywords applied to the bookmark. Only for BookmarkChange, BookmarkRemove.
- <name>
- The name of the item. Only for ColorScheme and Sanitize.
- <size>
- The size of a downloaded file. Only for DownloadPost.
- <state>
- The new state. Only for Fullscreen and PrivateMode.
- <tab>
- The tab in which the event occurred. Only for DOMLoad, PageLoad and PageLoadPre.
- <tags>
- The tags applied to <url>. Only for Bookmark*.
- <title>
- The page, bookmark or download title.
- <url>
- The URL against which the event was selected.
- <win>
- The window for which the event occurred. Only for DOMLoad, PageLoad and PageLoadPre.
:doautoa[ll] {event} [url]
Apply all {event} autocommands matching the
specified [url] to all buffers. If no
[url] is specified use the current URL.
:do[autocmd] {event} [url]
Apply all autocommands matching the specified
[url] to the current buffer. If no [url]
is specified use the current URL.
Enable Pass Through mode on all Google sites:
:autocmd LocationChange :normal! <C-z>
Enable Pass Through mode on some Google sites:
:autocmd LocationChange ^https?://(www|mail)\.google\.com/ :normal! <C-z>
:autocmd LocationChange, :normal! <C-z>
Set the filetype to mail when editing email at Gmail:
:autocmd LocationChange !,* :set editor&
:autocmd LocationChange :set editor=gvim -f -c 'set ft=mail' +<line>